
Joanie Caron

Strategic Advisor – Responsible Development Certification
Quebec Mineral Exploration Association (QMEA)
  • Professor at the School of Indigenous Studies at the Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue (UQAT), Joanie Caron specializes in the integration of Indigenous workforce in the mining sector and teaches business administration and natural resource management. She participated in all stages of the project “Sustainable Development Certification for Mineral Exploration” from 2012 to 2022, first as the person responsible for the development of the standard at UQAT, then as the project manager and certification director at the Quebec Mining Exploration Association (AEMQ).

October 04, 2022

Today’s sessions are presented by :

Harfang exploirations




UL ECOLOGO® Certification for Mineral Exploration – Start-up Workshop

See program info

Since the launch of the UL ECOLOGO® Certification Program for Mineral Exploration in 2019, 20 mineral exploration companies and service providers have been accredited and 30 more are on the way, supported by the Québec Mineral Exploration Association (QMEA). As part of this workshop, the QMEA offers companies that wish to be recognized for their application of best practices, the opportunity to learn more about the normative requirements, the audit process, and the available support and tools.

  • Duration: 1/2 day
  • Regular Rate : $ 200 | Student Rate : $ 80
  • Room St-Antoine A