October 05, 2022
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2022-10-05 11:10:00 2022-10-05 11:30:00 America/Toronto The Crees, mining development and environment rush in Eeyou Istchee James Bay, Quebec The Crees, mining development and environment rush in Eeyou Istchee James Bay, Quebec AEMQ - XPLOR info@aemq.orgToday’s sessions are presented by :
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The Crees, mining development and environment rush in Eeyou Istchee James Bay, Quebec
The mining industry took place intensively in Eeyou Istchee, during the last 20 years. In this presentation we will talk about the management by the Crees of these Minerals Exploration Activities within the large territories and the lack of communications. The Cree Mineral Exploration Board is one of the results of “La Paix des Braves”, the agreement between the government of Quebec and the Crees of Quebec. CMEB is the first Cree Answer-Organization to the mining industry and the access door to Eeyou Istchee. Furthermore, the CMEB acts as an intermediate between the mining industry and the Crees to resolve matters concerning mineral resources and the land. The board has the mandate to develop the mining activity and answer to environmental needs of the Cree trapelines. It supports and funds also consistent projects for the all communities and specifically the Cree prospectors. Exposure of Cree to mineral exploration dates back to 1686 when a noble French explorer, Chevalier de Troyes, discovered Lead, Zinc and Silver deposits around Lake Temiscamingue. Later on and for centuries, all outcrops of mineral deposits discovered in Cree Territory, from the copper by Mackenzie in Chibougamau at the turn of the last century to the latest diamond discoveries in Otish Mountains, in some ways bore footprints of Cree trappers and hunters. Traditionally, Cree’s have been busy in organizing the sustainable use of renewable resources on their land and besides the uses of flint, chert and stones, did not feel the need to use mineral resources for a profit.
Cree’s direct interest and involvement in Mineral resources development has been steadily increasing since the First Cree Mining Conference held in Mistissini in 1998. A total of 430 mineral exploration projects were on-going in the Cree Territory of James Bay, targeting mostly gold, diamonds and base metals, and now Lithium. It is in this context that the Crees carried out their development in the domain of mineral exploration, promote Cree entrepreneurship, provide training and capacity building. The Crees accepted to surf on this mini development wave but not at any price. The respect to the land and our traditional activities are important for us.
I myself, and all the players in mining development, are strongly in support of sustainable mineral resources development, and in providing assistance, expertise, knowledge, manpower and services to the industry, for the mutual benefit of both parties.
- Duration : 20 min
- Room Ville-Marie