
Benoît Dubé

Retired, Geological Survey of Canada
  • Benoît Dubé has been a research scientist at the Geological Survey of Canada from 1989 to April 2022 where he has studied various types of gold deposits in Canada and abroad. He authored or co-authored more than 75 scientific papers. In 1997, he was named Robinson Lecturer by the Geological Association of Canada (GAC) and was associate editor of the journal Economic Geology (2004-2008). In 2006 and 2021, he won the Jean Descarreaux award from the AEMQ, the Brian Skinner award (2007) from the Society of Economic Geologists (SEG), the Duncan Derry medal (2011) from the GAC and the Barlow medal (2014) from CIM as co-author. In 2020, he was named SEG Distinguished Lecturer.

October 05, 2022

Today’s sessions are presented by :

Session presented by : 

Session co-chairs :

Benoît Dubé, Marc Bardoux



Introduction to the special session in honor of François Robert: Brief overview of an exceptional career

See program info

François Robert has greatly contributed to our current understanding of gold deposits in Abitibi and elsewhere in the world. Recipient of numerous prizes and recognitions, he has influenced several generations of geologists by favoring an approach based on fieldwork. He was a researcher at the Geological Survey of Canada from 1985-1997. He then joined Barrick Gold Corporation from 1997-2019 where he held numerous including VP and Chief Geologist ‘Global Exploration’. Since 2020 he is a consultant geologist. This short presentation aims to pay tribute to his exceptional career.

  • Duration : 10 min
  • Room St-Antoine