
François Robert

FR Geo-consult
  • François holds geological engineering, MSc, and PhD degrees from Polytechnique, the latter focused on the Sigma vein gold deposit at Val d’Or. Following a postdoct at the University of Michigan, he worked 12 years at the Geological Survey of Canada where he studied gold deposits in deformed terranes. He then spent 22 years with Barrick Gold, the last 12 of which as Chief Geologist – Exploration. Since 2020, he acts as a part-time consultant to Minerals Industry. He published numerous scientific articles and has received several provincial, national, and international awards.

October 05, 2022

Today’s sessions are presented by :

Session presented by : 

Session co-chairs :

Benoît Dubé, Marc Bardoux



Gold in Abitibi: retrospective and perspectives

See program info

Overview of concepts and advances that led to our current understanding of the diverse styles of gold deposits in Abitibi, and their place in the geologic evolution. This review will reflect a global perspective on gold deposits, followed by a few recommendations for future work.

  • Duration : 20 min
  • Room St-Antoine